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From Front-End To Back-End : Learn Full Stack Development
Table of Contents
Why You Should Make Your Career In Web Development?
The need for Full Stack Developers has increased at a large scale due to the continuous advancement of technology. A Full Stack Developer is a skilled individual who can handle both front-end and back-end development of websites or applications, meaning that they have the ability in all layers necessary in web application development. If one intends to start a career as a Full Stack Developer then this article provides an excellent overview including advantages associated with being such type of developer; reasons why PG-Technology offers optimal training opportunities; Front-end and Back-End Development Classes offered by PG Technology, among others important aspects to know about becoming an expert in full stack developing.
Introduction To Full Stack Development
Full Stack Development is the comprehensive development of both front-end and back-end aspects of a web application. Front-End, also known as client-side, constitutes what users see on websites or applications – such elements include interface designs and layouts amongst others that determine user interactions with the website/applications. On the other hand, Back-End (server-side) comprises server handling activities including database management among several technical tasks; it remains hidden from typical site/application visitors who are direct consumers at only frontend sites/apps levels. A Full Stack Developer boasts skills to work seamlessly across these two areas uniformly thereby an expert in all necessary layers required for perfecting any particular piece/site needful functionality-wise by clients/users alike.
Benefits Of Becoming A Full Stack Developer
Becoming a Full Stack Developer is advantageous in several ways. The demand for such developers has increased due to the need by different company transfer itself into the digital space calling on this expertise, making it an increasingly desired profession today as technology takes over all corners of modern businesses.
One reason why employers are interested in hiring Full-Stack Developers centers around their capability to work across multiple areas required during website/app creation without necessarily involving different experts with separate skill sets; thus granting them great value portfolio assets coveted universally in employment markets both locally and globally.
In addition, they bring forth complete web design implementations knowledge that allows working seamlessly from the front-end (user side) through the back end (server-handling operations), unlike other types of developers whose specialties cover limited sections mainly – hence earning more decent wages above average segments.
Why Choose PG Technology for Full Stack Development Training?
If anyone is interested in learning Full Stack Development, PG Technology located in Chandigarh presents an excellent platform to actualize this objective optimally.
PG Technology has certified instructors have been refined and well-informed about industry updates as they take students through rigorous training programs providing conceptual knowledge applicable within real-application cases for minimal restrictions when working on live projects requiring full-stack development proficiency.
Here you will get fully updated labs where you can practice and enhance your capability. Your tutor will present full time so that if you are stuck then you could ask them for help and go ahead.
Our practically oriented mode of teaching method guarantees relevant direct hands-on experience towards solving problems and getting solutions under strict supervision by a trainer who guides them stepwise.
Front-end Development Courses Details
PG-Technology offers many Front-end Development courses, including:
If you’re new and interested in Full Stack Development, the “Advanced Full Stack JavaScript Course for Beginners” is designed explicitly to start your journey. This intensive course commences by imparting fundamental concepts that align with HTML/CSS and Javascript coding which covers both front-end and back-end functionalities proficiently.
You will also learn advanced lessons, such as how to use the Node.js applications framework modules and functionalities, some other web development tools, such as Express.JS, and how to use the MongoDB database, all without limiting students’ abilities during learning sessions. These lessons will involve doing a real-world, practical hands-on project
Frontend Masters Certificate Course Overview
The Frontend Masters Certificate Course Overview is intended for those who wish to acquire knowledge in Front-end Development. This program focuses on the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with more advanced topics like React and Angular. It utilizes hands-on projects that enable students to put their newly acquired skills into practice. By working on live projects, participants will have a chance to incorporate CSS animation into code which can provide an appealing appearance for websites as well as help attract business opportunities towards them.
Upon completion of this course, you’ll also receive certification confirming completion of the front-end curriculum – You’ll be able to show it to start out your job search journey!
Web Designing Course Price / Fees
Front End Development
(45 days)
- Complete HTML, CSS & JavaScript
- Also Deep Angular & React Framework
- Practical Learning Of Every Concept
- Learning in Both Hindi-English Language
- You Will Make a Live Website After Training
- Live Projects & Full Practical Training
- In Depth Learning so that your work can show performance
- combine Doubt Session
- Course Completion
- Personality Development
- ISO Certification
- Experience Certificate
Old Fees 25000
Full Stack Development
(90-180 days)
- Complete HTML, CSS JavaScript & Angular & React Framework
- Back-end Technologies Like Node.js, MongoDB, PHP
- Live Project Full Stack Project Training (Like also learn how to connect your data from database)
- Learn how to make responsive design
- Also focus on industry designing demand
- Proper Guidance For future Growth
- combine Doubt Session
- Course Completion
- Personality Development
- ISO Certification
- Experience Certificate
Old Fees 30000
Back-end Development Courses offered by PG Technology
PG Technology offers several Back-end Development courses, including:
MERN Stack Developer Course Overview
If you’re an aspiring Back-end Developer, then the MERN Stack Development Course might be exactly what you need to get started. The program will walk students through MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js concepts from beginner basics as far back to front if desired!
There are several hands-on projects included within this course that allows participants to reinforce their knowledge by applying these skillsets to real work undertakings.
Overall – taking part in continually developing one’s craft with certification programs like those mentioned herein is imperative when seeking out prompt job opportunities & advancement paths forward.
MEAN Stack Developer Course Overview
Looking to learn the ins and outs of Back-end Development? The MEAN Stack Developer Course Overview could be an ideal fit for you. This program will take students through MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js concepts listed by difficulty from beginner levels.
The course includes practical projects that allow learners to easily implement their newly acquired knowledge into real-world applications without frustration or confusion impediments.
Opting in on such programs can offer great respite whereby one’s professional development is further improved thus resulting in future career opportunities down the line – this front-facing step forward is shown via certification documentation provided upon completion!
Full Stack Development Job Market Insights
In the world of web development, Full Stack Developers are both sought-after and well-compensated – this segment is seen to be growing at an accelerated rate. With their ability to take care of all aspects from front-end design work down back & end data management too; having expertise allows them to offer full-range application deployment services.
Apart from receiving competitive remuneration packages than peers within the industry through acquired highly sought-after skillsets which can offer great opportunities for career growth over time!
Therefore, considering gaining training or qualification that includes ample coverage on do-it-all tech stacks very mandatory for attaining better job prospects overall. Here is some latest fact that will help you to know how Full stack developer and front can be better future choice.
1. Salary: In the United States alone, Full Stack Developers earn an average salary of ₹9,264,133 per year – with top earners raking in over ₹12182361 annually.
2. US Bureau of Labour Report : The US Bureau of Labour Statistics predicts that job opportunities will increase by 13% from (2019-2029), making it one of the industries with the highest growth potential.
3. Future Scope: The scope of the future is expanding daily as technology advances, necessitating the use of modern tools and infrastructure to construct ever-evolving online and mobile platforms, which calls for undivided attention and constant skill updating.
4. Latest Statistics: According to statistics from developer polls done by internationally renowned independent surveyors, full-stack developers currently account for more than 53% of importance, making them the most sought-after developers in the world.
As such growing evidence suggests; prospects appear strong when pursuing this career path – regardless of whether brand-new or seasoned veteran constantly updating one’s skillset…
Front-end Developer Courses in Chandigarh With Job Placement
PG Technology is a training institute that assists its students in finding jobs by establishing partnerships with various organizations looking for Full Stack Developers. The company also provides interview preparation to increase their chances of getting hired because we trained our students in a way by which they can solve all problems quickly which will also help them to clear theoretical and practical interviews.
We think it seems like a beneficial opportunity for you in pursuing full-stack development and seeking job placement assistance after completing their training program at PG Tech Chandigarh.
Why We Are The Best Place To Learn Front End Development
PG Technology is a great place to learn front-end development in Chandigarh due to its experienced and skilled trainers who use a practical approach to teaching.
Moreover, providing students with access to fully-equipped labs allows them hands-on experience working on real-world projects which can be beneficial when seeking employment opportunities after completing their training program at PG Technology.
In addition, job placement assistance offered by this company may provide students with career advancement options such as identifying the latest job openings from different sources along with guidance about how they should secure that position during interviews while asking for better salary packages making them stand out among other institutions offering similar course.
Complete Syllabus of Full Stack Web Development and Designing
Front-End Syllabus
o Introduction To HTML 5 Section
o Your First Webpage
o Your First Webpage - Files & Coding Challenge
o The Structure Of A Webpage
o Creating A Full Webpage
o Header Tags
o Paragraph Tags
o Formatting Text
o Unordered Lists
o Ordered Lists
o Images
o Forms
o Tables
o Links
o HTML Entities
o Audio & Video
o IFrames
o Putting It All Together
Setting Up Your Free Hosting
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
o Introduction CSS 3
o CSS3 syntax
o CSS 3 How To
o CSS3 Colors
o CSS3 Backgrounds
o CSS3 Boarders
o CSS Padding
o CSS Height/Width
o CSS3 Gradients
o CSS3 Shadows
o CSS3 Text
o CSS3 Fonts
o CSS3 2D Transforms
o CSS3 3D Transforms
o CSS Links
o CSS Lists
o CSS Tables
o CSS Box Model
o CSS Outline
o CSS Display
o CSS Max-width
o CSS Position
o CSS Float
o CSS Inline-block
o CSS Align
o CSS Combinators
o CSS Pseudo-class
o CSS Pseudo-element
o Exploring JavaScript selectors
o Intro to JavaScript selector
o Selecting multiple elements and elements without IDs Getting a specific list item
o Getting elements by class name
o Getting multiple items using query selector
o Getting a single item using query selector
o Chaining selectors together
o Targeting elements by data attribute
o Photo filter website: using friendly navigation
o Creating an array to store the selector
o Getting the all button to select all filters
o Getting the rest of the buttons to select the other filters Initially hiding the photos
o Getting the photos to filter
o Photo filter website: creating an executive filter
o Adding a checkbox to toggle executive filtering on/off Separating the inclusive and exclusive filter
o Writing a conditional to select the appropriate filter Programming the exclusive filter
o Rerunning the filter when the checkbox is toggled Improving the user experience
o Showing/hiding content with JQuery animation
o Getting started with JQuery
o Running code when the document is ready
o Click events Using the jQuery slide toggle method Supporting JQuery disabled users
o Sharing JavaScript across pages
o Externalizing JavaScript Linking to the JavaScript file
o jQuery hover animation
o Adding an outline with CSS Using the jQuery hover method Using the jQuery animate method
o More advanced jQuery showing/hiding
o Adding animation to reveal hidden content
Back-End Syllabus
o Introduction to PHP
o Decisions and loop
o Function
o Array
o Handling Html Form with PHP
o Working with file and Directories
o Session and Cookie
o Database Connectivity with My SQL
o Exception Handling
o Introduction to Bootstrap
o Bootstrap Basics
o Bootstrap Grids
o Bootstrap Themes
o Bootstrap CSS
o Bootstrap JS
o Introduction To MySQL 5 Section
o Introduction To MySQL
o Connecting To A Database
o Retrieving Data From A Database Inserting And Updating Data
o Looping Through Data
o Session Variables
o Cookies
o Storing Passwords Securely
Salary You Will Get After Course Completion
Conclusion And Final Thoughts
Full Stack Development is a popular and lucrative career option that has good demand in today’s job market.
PG Technology appears to be offering full-stack development courses with experienced trainers who can help clear doubts of students seeking training assistance for their careers. The company also provides potential employment opportunities post-training as they offer placement assistance services.
Furthermore PG Technology offers interested individuals free demo sessions enabling them informed decisions about choosing among options offered there. The availability of such support along with possible chances at finding jobs after course completion might make this institute emerge more attractive than others providing similar expertise-related knowledge around the Chandigarh region.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer : To become a Full Stack Developer, you have the following skills:
• HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
• Need deep knowledge of Server-side languages such as Java, Python, or PHP
• Relational and non-relational databases
• Web architecture and protocols
• Version control systems
Answer: In full-stack development, you will cover both front-end and back-end languages. In the front end, you will strengthen your hand on HTML, CSS & JavaScript whereas in back-end development you will learn or play with Python, Mongo DB, Node js, express js and angular and many more like this kind of languages.
Answer- If we look at general trends seen in training institutions that offer such courses – becoming a full stack developer may approximately consume six months up to around one year’s worth of time investment regarding foundational knowledge required inside this course.
Answer:- To succeed as a Full Stack Developer, you require an array of skills such as strong technical acumen to understand various web technologies and programming languages. Additionally, your ability in problem-solving along with good communication is plus point.